KiTs for the World
Donate football kits and football boots
and support Development through football
KiTs for the World was founded with the aim of supplying donated football kits to help charities that focus on tackling a range of sustainable development goals for disadvantaged children and young adults around the world.
The charities we donate to use a through sports-based approach to help educate children and young adults in countries and communities less fortunate than our own.
Our vision is to supply community projects, charities, with the basic football kit items that will help motivate them to take part in these projects.
Our goal is to work with charities that embrace the Sustainable Development Goals and have a clear and proven track record in delivering change within the communities they support.
Our Mission is too reuse and recycle kits and to be as sustainable as possible in all parts of our collection and distribution process.
We believe the power of football can inspire social change worldwide
charities that use the power of football
These elements are based upon the SDG goals.
It is important to kits for the world that these projects have a good foundation to help make a change. And have the infrastructure to facilitate the programs to impact a persons life chances.
We work with a number of well established and NGO’s and networks that help to ensure a positive impact.
By donating kits to kits for the world we support these projects whereby the cost of kits is mitigated .
Which frees up resources for that organisation that can be used more effectively for programs like HIV/AIDS support and education.
Will my project qualify for a football kit donation
Kits for the world get a lot of emails requesting kit donations. We would love to given every person and project a kit donation. However as part of our core objectives it is our goal to work with projects that have an established project which uses football as a development tool. And can deliver on a number of SGD Goals.To this end we only consider projects that are a registered charity organisation / NGO and is part of an established network. With a track recored/ potential to provide services to the local community.
Please note even if your organisation fits our core objectives and goals we can not automatically guarantee you will get a kit donation. We must consider logistical and the available resources we have at the time of your request. To start the process we would ask you to email us at . We will send you a document list as to what we require.
Again please note that if it is not possible to deliver a kit donation we will keep your project details on file. We will endeavour to explore ways find a solution.
One of Kits for the World’s core foundations is that of reused & recycle. Given the climate challenge the world faces it is very important to kits for the world that projects we support also embrace the challenge to reused & recycle. Kits for the World encourage our partner projects to set-up a Kit Leading Library. The Kit leading Library works on number levels.
Firstly it helps encourage participants of your project to take part in your team/ sports based activities. As it is only when they take part in your project they will then be lent a football kit.
Secondly It full fills our requirement and commitment to the principle of reused & recycle. Kits for the world is looking to expand upon SDG 13 by actively looking for partnerships with projects that work with grassroots organisations that fight global warming by re-greening.
what kits for the world expect in return
A kit donation is free of charge as a charity kits for the world fully understand money for a charity is key to its survival.
The only requirements we have is the Kit Leading Library system and a commitment to send us a video explaining the objectives of your project and pictures of the kits being put to good use as part of your development through football objectives.
We would also like to receive from your project yearly updates on the progress of your project.