Football has been an important part of love-life’s behaviour–change for HIV prevention strategy since the inception of the love-life games in 2002. The love-life games are South Africa’s largest school sports initiative. It is funded by the national Department of sports and recreation (SRSA).
With the inception of the love-lifestyle strategy in 2004, love-life started driving sports league formation through its 7,000- strong youth service corps, with the explicit intention of linking these leagues to the love-life games.
Football was a new avenue for working with young people.In 2009, love-life engaged over 64 000 young men and women in structured soccer activity. The organisation is also passionate about promoting and raising awareness of the use of sport for positive change.
They also provide a variety of community programs for at-risk adolescents, such as health education, life skills development, and gender equality.
Stats from the logistics challenge