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IDYDC Donations

More than 1240 items to football kits and football boots donated to IDYDC!>

IDYDC a KiTs for the World Partner

IDYDC Football for Hope Center


Iringa Development of Youth, Disabled, and Children Care (IDYDC)

The centre is located just outside the town of Iringa in the highlands of central Tanzania, approximately 500km from Dar es Salaam. Among the challenges facing the region is its high HIV/AIDS prevalence rate, a high school drop-out rate and substance abuse. The centre will provide a hub of community activity in an area severely lacking in basic services and opportunities for youth employment.

IDYDC is a community-based NGO which has reached 50,000 young people since being established in 1991. Based in the town of Iringa, IDYDC implements projects throughout the Iringa district, with a particular focus on health promotion and children’s rights. IDYDC aims to reach out to street children, orphans and young people with a history of drug and alcohol abuse, and uses football as a key instrument to bring about social change.

Alongside the football programmes, IDYDC offers vocational training courses, counseling services and microfinancing programmes to local communities. Their efforts have been acknowledged as exemplary within the region, and numerous other organisations have followed a similar path in recent years.